Saturday, 26 November 2016

pre service teacher eduaction by amandeep kaur

Pre service teacher education
Pre-service education of teacher means, education of teachers before they enter into service as teacher. During this period of teacher education programmes, teaching practice goes side by side, while they are getting knowledge about theory papers. Pre-service education is carried on for preparing different types of teachers. Pre-service teacher preparation is a collection of unrelated courses and field experience.
  It is important for teacher educators to learn the methodology of how to get in touch with the core qualities of a good teacher and how they can stimulate these qualities in student teachers. This will lead to a deeper involvement in the learning process of teacher educators
as well as student teachers. The inclusion of appropriate content knowledge about essential qualities of a good teacher in relevant theory papers and practice of effective domain related traits in school situation for a longer duration could help promote these traits in student teachers.
It is a combination of two methods i.e., discussion method as well as lecture method. Lecture cum discussion method is a useful strategy in building an active verbal interaction between the teacher educators and the teacher trainees. It involves interaction between both the teacher and learners where question and answers are asked and given by both the teacher and the students making the activity interactive , stimulating and effective.
1) This method involves active participation on the part of both the teacher and the students.
2) Lecture cum discussion method is not just a matter of teacher's communication with students; it is a chance for them to share ideas .
3) Lecture cum discussion method is a good strategy to create and maintain interest and zeal of students.
4.) The basic purpose of this method is to disseminate information and attain educational objectives by promoting student learning.
5) Discussion along with lecture method when properly used can develop in the student's higher learning skills. It can give the students increased capability for generalization and transfer of learning, and the ability to analyze, synthesize, and apply what is learned.
6) Through this method one's particular viewpoint can be compared with the views of others in the class.
7) The discussion in the class is intended to be a free give and take between teacher and students and among students on the current topic being taught in the class. It is characterized by probing questions from the teacher designed to elicit student interpretations, opinions, and questions.
8) Lecture cum discussion approach can be an effective means of helping the students to apply abstract ideas and think critically about what they are learning.

The discussion method concentrates on student activity, rather than lecturing by teachers. It is, therefore, an effective method that promotes student-centered learning than teaching. Students are able to actively participate in discussions, which enhance their understanding and capture their attention. The discussion method promotes democratic thinking among students. Students are able to freely share their ideas, speak their opinions and challenge each other to arrive at a common decision.
In the course of discussion, students develop reflective thinking skills, which help them to deeply analyze and understand the issue at hand. Reflective thinking is a careful, persistent and active way of thinking that makes learners more aware of the complex problems at hand and encourages active participation in learning situations. The discussion method also improves self-expression among learners by challenging them to express their opinions or ideas in clear and eloquent way. This method also inculcates the spirit of tolerance in learners. Students learn how tolerate contradictory views, no matter how unpleasant they may sound to them. They are, therefore, able to respect each others' views.
1.      Emphasis on Learning instead of Teaching.
2.      Participation by Everybody.
3.      Development of Democratic way of Thinking.
4.      Training in Reflective Thinking.
5.      Training in Self-expression.
6.      Spirit of Tolerance is inculcated.
7.      Learning is made Interesting.

Brainstorming is an intense experience that is strongly focused on a single topic for a limited period of time. It provides a very different and stimulating student interaction of time. It provides a very different and stimulating student interaction procedure--the kind of variety that most groups enjoy immensely. Finally, the unleashed and concentrated mental power generated in a brainstorming session guarantees both individual and group achievement.
The concept is very simple. A group of students is given a single problem or obstacle and asked to "storm their brains" for ideas. To increase spontaneity and rapidity of ideas, each participant is encouraged to call out his thought the instant an opening presents itself. Each brainstorming session usually intensifies into an exciting rapid-fire, off-the-top-of-the-head group experience. Stimulation and motivation build as each participant contributes and interest mounts to higher and higher levels.
The ideas generated tend to serve as catalysts for new responses. Creative and effective thoughts begin to evolve from this group process- In contrast, individuals often react in traditional patterns and rarely have an innovative "brainstorm" without the stimulus of multiple sounding boards.
1.      Is stimulating and provides a varied instructional approach
2.      Is highly motivating.
3.      Increases "task focus."
4.      Promotes spontaneity and creativity.
5.      Is efficient and productive
6.      Involves participants in the ownership of ideas.
7.      Provides a permanent record and aids in developing solutions to problems.

"ICT"is the Information and Communication Technologies. "ICT in Education" means "Teaching and Learning with ICT".
The present curricula for ICT in Education aims at realising the goals of the National Policy of ICT in Schools Education and the National Curriculum Framework.
Given the dynamic nature of ICT, the curricula, emphasising the core educational purposes, is generic in design and focuses on a broad exposure to technologies, together aimed at enhancing creativity and imagination of the learners.
For the teacher, it is an initiation into:
1.      Exploring educational possibilities of technology,
2.      Learning to make right choices of hardware, software and ICT interactions, and
3.      Growing to become a critical user of ICT.

For the student, it is an initiation into:
1.      Creativity and problem solving,
2.      An introduction to the world of information and technologies, and
3.      An opportunity to shape career pursuits.

1Through ICT, images can easily be used in teaching and improving the retentive memory of students.
2Through ICT, teachers can easily explain complex instructions and ensure students' comprehension.
3Through ICT, teachers are able to create interactive classes and make the lessons more enjoyable, which could improve student attendance and concentration.

The internship program operates within the framework of the Teacher training department of the School of Education, in accordance with internship regulations determined by the Division of teaching internship and new teachers at the Ministry of Education. It is conducted by academic staff with personal experience in teaching in schools, and who have extensive appropriate training in group facilitation, conflict resolution, and professional self-development in the school environment. Internship coordinators maintain personal contact with the tutors, to provide customized internship processes to interns.
It enables the creation of practical-professional knowledge on the basis of theoretical knowledge (teacher training and Bachelor's degree studies), through high-level processes of critical thinking, in-depth understanding, awareness and insight into attitudes, behaviors, and personal motives.
1. Recognition and management of the processes of transition and change, from the position of student to the position of teacher; cognitive and emotional aspects and practical applications.
2. Acquaintance with the organizational-pedagogical structure, school positions and goals, their evaluation in light of the relevant personal aspects, and the exercise of judgment regarding the organizational-pedagogical procedures.
3. Learning and acknowledgement of processes of self-mapping in the relevant areas of teaching: attitudes and perceptions about the basic concepts of human dignity, authority and dependence, responsibility, partnership and participation, work and wages, career, teaching and learning, pedagogical knowledge, disciplinary knowledge, procedures of interaction with learners, colleagues, officials, and parents.
4. Creation of requirement maps and formulation of objectives in feasible sequences in accordance with workplace situations.
5. Understanding of personal resources and conduct in times the transition and crisis, and of options for their use, such as conduct in situations of uncertainty, frustration, time pressure, emotional stress, and feelings of anger and disappointment, when living through extraordinary events.

6. Development of decision-making processes, customized for career steps.

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