Monday, 28 November 2016


To enhance quality of education and quality of educational institutions, to update educational methodology and to offer publicity to educational innovations by conducting various types of educational research every state establishes some institutes, council and associations. In this unit, we will discuss the role and functions of the following state agencies :
 • State Institute of Education (SIE)
• State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT)
 • State Board of Teacher Education (SBTE)
 State Institute of Education (SIE) : Training, preparation of teaching aids and evaluation needs continuity to achieve quality education. Considering this aspect, Maharashtra state has established “State Institute of Education” (SIE). Initially, SIE looked after primary education only. Later on, its scope is widened to pre-primary, secondary and higher secondary education. In 1984, it secured constitutional status like NCERT and is renamed as “Maharashtra State Council of Education Research and Training (MSCERT).”
State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT): State council is the apex institute of the state. In Maharashtra, it was established in 1964 – 65 as a state institute of Education (SIE). It was upgrade and renamed as Maharashtra State Council of Education Research and Training in 1984. For quality improvement of school education it (MSCERT) carries the responsibility of teacher education, research and evaluation.
Objectives : It’s objectives are :
• To enhance quality of education by conducting various types of educational research. • To improve teacher education
• To enhance quality of educational institutions
• To upgrade educational methodology
• To offer publicity to educational innovations.
Structure : Main office of MSCERT is at Pune. It is an academic wing of education. It is headed by Director of education. It’s various departments are looked after by second class gazzeted officer. It has an advisory Board presided by Education Minister of the State.
Role and Functions : The Role and functions are primarily concerned with ensuring quality in respect of :
• Planning
• Management
 • Research
• Evaluation and
 • Training Its functions are as under:
 • To improve school - education, continuing education, non-formal education and special education.
• To impart in service - training to the inspectors of preprimary to higher secondary education.
• To impart in service - training to the teachers from pre-primary to higher secondary schools.
• To make available extension - services to teacher - education - institutions and co-ordinate the same. • To prepare teaching aids for educational institutions.
• To motivate teachers to undertake /investigative research regarding content cum methodology.
MSCERT functions through following departments -
• Teacher - education department.
• Extension services department.
• Research department
• Evaluation department
• curriculum development department
• Population Education department.
• Publicity Department.
State Board of Teacher Education (SBTE) :
• Kothari Commission for the first time in 1966 recommended for establishing SBTE, whose main function was to develop teacher education in the state to be administered by the state board. State boards were established in M.P in 1967, and Maharashtra, Jammu and Kashmir and Tamil Nadu in 1973. Ministry of education forced states to have SBTE suggestions NCERT such boards almost all states established.
Functions :
• Determine the standards of TE Institutions.
• Modifying and improving the curriculum, text books and the system of TE of the state.
• Developing the criterion for the recognition of the TE institutions.
• Organizing the guidance facility of TE institutions.
• Developing the criteria for admission in TE and evaluating the teacher efficiency of pupil teachers.
• Preparing the plan for the qualitative and quantitative development of teacher education.
• Providing guidance to the Universities and State institutes for improving and modifying curriculum, textbooks and examination system of teacher-education.
• Determining the educational and physical conditions of the teacher education institutions for affiliations.
• Developing the sense of cooperation among university departments and other training institutions
University Departments of Education (UDE) :
Education is now considered an independent field of study;UGC provides the grants to the University Department of education. Higher level training is essential for teachers for their development. Department of Education (DOE) provide training for educational administrators and curriculum specialists to improve evaluation procedures as well examination system. University DOE organize the M.Ed, B.Ed, and M.Phil classes as well as research work for Ph.D and D.Litt degree in education. In 1917, first education department was started at Calcutta University. At present there are departments of education in all the Indian Universities for M.Ed and Ph.D Degrees.
Functions :
• Develop the post graduate studies and research work.
• Organize training for school teachers.
• Provide solid programmes for teacher education and developing research work.
• Starting and organize some programmes for post graduate teachers which are not organized at other centers.
• Developing language laboratory, preparing instructional material and use new innovations and practices in TE.
• Encouraging the interdisciplinary courses and interdisciplinary research studies so that the requirements of other departments
can be fulfilled.
• Organize extension lectures and programmes to encourage the teachers and research workers to contribute in the discipline of education.
• Providing awareness of new methodology and technology to upgrade the standard of TE.
• Developing the effective procedure of evaluation of theory and practicals in education.

A very strong academic and administrative machinery at the state level should further aim at economy and integration of divergent elements, avoid duplication of efforts, consider and examine the needs of different types of institutions, give a proper turn to arising ideologies and tendencies and eliminate corruption and exploitation. There should be a University of teacher education in every state on its own. It should be unitary as well as affiliating for all the teachers’, colleges at graduate and post graduate levels within the state.

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