Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Concept and feature of Distance Education (By Deepika, Roll no. 8)

Distance education is a modern system of non-formal education. it is imparted through correspondence or postal sources, contact programs, electronic media like radio, television, audio and video cassettes and other audio visual aids. the term which are used for distance education are :
1. Distance education 2. Distance teaching 3.Open education 4. Open learning 5. Open school 6. Open university 7.University of the air 8. University without walls 9. Tele university 10. Out of school education 11. Correspondence learning 12. Correspondence School 13. Home tuition 14. Independent learning 15. Home study, etc.

Concept of distance education includes definition of distance education, analysis of definition of distance education, Difference between distance education and formal education, and open education and distance education and correspondence of education and features of distance education.

Definition of distance education: Distance education is a model of learning with certain characters which distinguish it from the campus based mode of learning. (Jack Foks)

Features of distance education:
1. Non-formal learning
2. Learner centered
3. Flexible
4. Indirect education 
5. Mass education
6 .Mass media
7. Easy access
8. Degree of diploma not essential
9. Economical

Importance of distance education:
1.Explosion of knowledge 
2.Population explosion
3.varied needs
4.Earning while learning
5.Easy access
6.Geographical isolation
7.Social isolation
8.For different ages
9.Universal education

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