Monday, 28 November 2016

Communication(by AAKASH SINGH)

Meaning of Communication should include:
• Communication– sharing ideas/information– in a mood of mutuality– to achieve common experience–should continue till such commonality is achieved.
• May be intra–personal/ interpersonal/group/verbal/non–verbal
• Forms the basis of knowledge sharing and development
Significance of communication in a teaching–learning situation should be elaborated in the following way:
Communication in a teaching–learning situation
• generally takes place between the teachers and the learners,
• is generally have an educational purpose to provide some learning experience
• is generally two way
• involves language
• is interpersonal & small group; also intra–personal
No communication, no teaching–learning; as the whole process of teaching–learning in the classroom is a cumulative process of communication.
Communication must be effective to make the learning effective. It is significant in a teaching–learning situation
• Communication in TL situation being two–way, gives the scope of sharing of information, ideas and knowledge
between one platform to the other... Between teacherslearnersteachers
• Communication gives the scope of representation of the message into communicable form… (clear, easily understandable, direct, purposeful)… as per the level and background of the receiver… (i.e. learners)… the aspiration to achieve a successful communication, motivates the teachers to look into the needs of the students and their social background.
• Educational communicationrelated to concept formation. Communication propels the teachers to use various modes of language, verbal and non–verbal, for stimulus variation and effective teaching. Enriched verbal and non–verbal language  leads to the capacity of representation of ideas in a variety of ways… hence, to effective concept formation and knowledge development.
• As it purports to provide educational experience… the sender, initiating the communication, takes effort in choosing and switching to suitable media… appropriate to the content/ situation/receiver… providing multiple/enriched sensory experience…for learning to be effective
• Communication gives the scope of diagnosing the problems of the learners in understanding the taught lesson
by designing appropriate feedback channel hence, scope of evaluation of both teaching and learning
• When trying to communicate, the teacher gets the opportunity to identify the barriers that interferes the
intended sharing of information and hence, they get the scope of designing the teaching–learning situation in
the most effective way that minimizes such barriers.
• Through effective small group communication, the alternative/multiple views of people are shared
Components of a communication cycle should elaborate a description of –
a) Sender: initiates communication, has a purpose, selects message, encodes; Examples
b) Receiver: receives communication, may have a purpose, decodes message, understands the content;
c) Message: the object of communication, encoded in the form of some language, verbal or non–verbal;
d) Channel: message is encoded in some language and then transmitted through some physical media to the
receiving end… so whatever carries the message from the sender to receiver is channel; Examples
e) Feedback: it is the message encoded and sent by the receiver that carries information regarding whether
the message has been communicated with the same meaning, same form and intention or not.

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