Tuesday, 29 November 2016

concept of programme instructional and principal (navpreet kaur rollno 21)

Concept of programmed instruction
Programmed learning based system which helps learners work successfully. The method is guided by research done by a variety of applied psychologists and educators.  The learning material is in kind of textbook or teaching machine or computer. The medium presents the material in a logical and tested sequence. The text is in small steps or larger chunks. After each steps, learners are given a question to test their comprehension. Then immediately the correct answer is shown. This means the learner at all stages makes responses, and is given immediate knowledge of results.
 According to thorndike “ if, b a material of mechanical ingenuity , a book could be so arranged that only to him who had done that was directed on page one would page to become visible and so on much that now requires personal instruction could be managed by print”.
                 Thorndike , however did nothing with his idea . The first such system was visited by Sidney L. Pressey in 1926. The fist teaching machine was developed by Sydney L. Pressey .  while originally developed by a self scoring machine .
 Principles of program and instruction
1.     active learning response:  to what extent a learner can understand is judged  by making                him /her answer questions . the etent of a learners understanding his ascertained from what is denominised  in the responses .
2.     immediate feedback:  let a learner know whether his/her answer is correct or incorrect immediately . give the learner the subsequent question he/she knows whether his/her response is right or wrong .
3.    small steps:  set small steps in order to prevent a learner from stumbling as much a possible. When he / she make some mistake, there is the risk of being labeted of failure.
4.    self pacing:   let the learner decide the speed of learning so that he/she can learn at his/her on pace. Consider that can appropriate speed from learner to learner .
5.    learner verification:   whether the program is good or bad is judged not based on a            specialists opinions, but whether learning is actually established or not . to that end get learner who have yet to learn the subject matter to try the programme under development .

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