Unit Structure :
1.0 Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Meaning and nature of teacher education
1.3 Need, scope and objectives of teacher education
1.4 Changing context of teacher education in the Indian scenario
1.5 Changing context of teacher education in the global scenario
After reading this unit, you will be able to :
Explain the meaning of teacher education.
Discuss the nature of teacher education.
Enumerate the objectives of teacher education.
Describe the scope of teacher education.
Explain the changing context of teacher education in the Indian
Analyze the changing context of teacher education in the global
An educational institution performs a significant function of
providing learning experiences to lead their students from the
darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge. The key personnel
in the institutions who play an important role to bring about this
transformation are teachers. As stated by NCTE (1998) in Quality
Concerns in Secondary Teacher Education, ―The teacher is the most
important element in any educational program. It is the teacher who
is mainly responsible for implementation of the educational process
at any stage. This shows that it is imperative to invest in the
preparation of teachers, so that the future of a nation is secure. The
importance of competent teachers to the nation‘s school system can
in no way be overemphasized. The National Curriculum Framework
2005 places demands and expectations on the teacher, which need to
be addressed by both initial and continuing teacher education.
Meaning of Teacher Education :
It is well known that the quality and extent of learner
achievement are determined primarily by teacher competence,
sensitivity and teacher motivation.
The National Council for Teacher Education has defined
teacher education as – A programme of education, research and
training of persons to teach from pre-primary to higher education
Teacher education is a programme that is related to the
development of teacher proficiency and competence that would
enable and empower the teacher to meet the requirements of the
profession and face the challenges therein.
According to Goods Dictionary of Education Teacher
education means, ―all the formal and non-formal activities and
experiences that help to qualify a person to assume responsibilities
of a member of the educational profession or to discharge his
responsibilities more effectively
Teaching skills would include providing training and practice in the
different techniques, approaches and strategies that would help the
teachers to plan and impart instruction, provide appropriate
reinforcement and conduct effective assessment. It includes effective
classroom management skills, preparation and use of instructional
materials and communication skills.
Pedagogical theory includes the philosophical, sociological and
psychological considerations that would enable the teachers to have
a sound basis for practicing the teaching skills in the classroom. The
theory is stage specific and is based on the needs and requirements
that are characteristic of that stage.
Professional skills include the techniques, strategies and approaches
that would help teachers to grow in the profession and also work
towards the growth of the profession. It includes soft skills,
counseling skills, interpersonal skills, computer skills, information
retrieving and management skills and above all life long learning
An amalgamation of teaching skills, pedagogical theory and
professional skills would serve to create the right knowledge,
attitude and skills in teachers, thus promoting holistic development.
Nature of Teacher Education :
1) Teacher education is a continuous process and its pre-service and
in-service components are complimentary to each other.
According to the International Encyclopedia of Teaching and
Teacher education (1987), ―Teacher education can be considered
in three phases : Pre-service, Induction and In-service. The three
phases are considered as parts of a continuous process.
2) Teacher education is based on the theory that ―Teachers are
made, not born in contrary to the assumption, ―Teachers are
born, not made.‖ Since teaching is considered an art and a
science, the teacher has to acquire not only knowledge, but also
skills that are called ―tricks of the trade.
3) Teacher education is broad and comprehensive. Besides preservice
and in-service programmes for teachers, it is meant to be
involved in various community programmes and extension
activities, viz adult education and non-formal education
programmes, literacy and development activities of the society.
4) It is ever-evolving and dynamic. In order to prepare teachers who
are competent to face the challenges of the dynamic society,
Teacher education has to keep abreast of recent developments
and trends.
5) The crux of the entire process of teacher education lies in its
curriculum, design, structure, organization and transaction
modes, as well as the extent of its appropriateness.
6) As in other professional education programmes the teacher
education curriculum has a knowledge base which is sensitive to
the needs of field applications and comprises meaningful,
conceptual blending of theoretical understanding available in
several cognate disciplines. However the knowledge base in
teacher education does not comprise only an admixture of
concepts and principles from other disciplines, but a distinct
‗gestalt‘ emerging from the ‗conceptual blending‘, making it
sufficiently specified.
7) Teacher education has become differentiated into stage-specific
programmes. This suggests that the knowledge base is adequately
specialized and diversified across stages, which should be
utilized for developing effective processes of preparing entrant
teachers for the functions which a teacher is expected to perform
at each stage.
8) It is a system that involves an interdependence of its Inputs,
Processes and Outputs.
Need of teacher education :
The American Commission on Teacher Education rightly observes,
“The quality of a nation depends upon the quality of its citizens.
The quality of its citizens depends not exclusively, but in critical
measure upon the quality of their education, the quality of their
education depends more than upon any single factor, upon the
quality of their teacher.”
In his Call for Action for American Education in the 21st
Century in 1996, Clinton indicated that :
―Every community should have a talented and dedicated teacher
in every classroom. We have enormous opportunity for ensuring
teacher quality well into the 21st century if we recruit promising
people into teaching and give them the highest quality
preparation and training”.
The need for teacher education is felt due to the following reasons;
1) It is common knowledge that the academic and professional
standards of teachers constitute a critical component of the
essential learning conditions for achieving the educational goals
of a nation. The focus of teacher preparation had to shift from
training to education if it had to make a positive influence on the
quality of curriculum transaction in classrooms and thereby pupil
learning and the larger social transformation. The aspects that
need greater emphasis are;
the length of academic preparation,
the level and quality of subject matter knowledge,
the repertoire of pedagogical skills that teachers possess to
meet the needs of diverse learning situations,
the degree of commitment to the profession,
sensitivity to contemporary issues and problems and
the level of motivation.
This is not possible if teacher preparation focused only on
training. Holistic teacher building is necessary and therefore
teacher education needed more emphasis than mere training.
2) Educating all children well depends not only on ensuring that
teachers have the necessary knowledge and skills to carry out
their work, but also that they take responsibility for seeing that
all children reach high levels of learning and that they act
3) People come to teacher education with beliefs, values,
commitments, personalities and moral codes from their
upbringing and schooling which affect who they are as teachers
and what they are able to learn in teacher education and in
teaching. Helping teacher candidates examine critically their
beliefs and values as they relate to teaching, learning and subject
matter and form a vision of good teaching to guide and inspire
their learning and their work is a central task of teacher education
(Fieman-Nemser, 2001).
4) The National Academy of Education Committee‘s Report
(Darling-Hammond and Bransford, 2005) wrote that :
―On a daily basis, teachers confront complex decisions that rely
on many different kinds of knowledge and judgement and that
can involve high stakes outcomes for students‘ future. To make
good decisions, teachers must be aware of the many ways in
which student learning can unfold in the context of development,
learning differences, language and cultural influences, and
individual temperaments, interests and approaches to learning.
In addition to foundational knowledge about the areas of learning
and performance listed in the above quotation, teachers need to
know how to take the steps necessary to gather additional
information that will allow them to make more grounded
judgements about what is going on and what strategies may be
helpful. More importantly, teachers need to keep what is best for
the student at the centre of their decision making.
5) Teacher education like any other educational intervention, can
only work on those professional commitments or dispositions
that are susceptible to modification. While we can‘t remake
someone‘s personality, we can reshape attitudes towards the
other and develop a professional rather than a personal role
orientation towards teaching as a practice.
6) The Ministry of Education document ―Challenge of Education :
A Policy Perspective (1985) has mentioned, ―Teacher
performance is the most crucial input in the field of education.
Whatever policies may be laid down, in the ultimate analysis
these have to be implemented by teachers as much through their
personal example as through teaching learning processes.‖ India
has reached the threshold of the development of new
technologies which are likely to revolutionise the classroom
teaching. Unless capable and committed are teachers in service,
the education system cannot become a suitable and potential
instrument of national development.
The teacher is required to acquire adequate knowledge, skills,
interests and attitudes towards the teaching profession. The teacher‘s
work has become more complicated and technical in view of the new
theories of psychology, philosophy, sociology, modern media and
materials. The teacher can be made proficient with well planned,
imaginative pre-service and in-service training programmes.
Aspects of Teacher Education : Teacher education is concerned
with the aspects such as, who (Teacher Educator), whom (Student
teacher), what (Content) and how (Teaching Strategy). Teacher
education is dependent upon the quality of teacher educators. The
quality of pedagogical inputs in teacher education programmes and
their effective utilization for the purpose of preparing prospective
teachers depend largely on the professional competence of teacher
educators and the ways in which it is utilized for strengthening the
teacher education programme. Teacher education, thus, first deals
with the preparation of effective teacher educators.
Teacher education reaches out to the student teachers by
providing the relevant knowledge, attitude and skills to function
effectively in their teaching profession. It serves to equip the student
teachers with the conceptual and theoretical framework within which
they can understand the intricacies of the profession. It aims at
creating the necessary attitude in student teachers towards the
stakeholders of the profession, so that they approach the challenges
posed by the environment in a very positive manner. It empowers
the student teachers with the skills (teaching and soft skills) that
would enable them to carry on the functions in the most efficient and
effective manner. Teacher education therefore pays attention to its
content matter.
Objectives :
Vision of teacher education :
Teacher education has to become more sensitive to the
emerging demands from the school system. For this, it has to prepare
teachers for a dual role of;
Encouraging, supportive and humane facilitator in teaching
learning situations who enables learners (students) to discover
their talents, to realize their physical and intellectual
potentialities to the fullest, to develop character and desirable
social and human values to function as responsible citizens; and,
An active member of the group of persons who make conscious
effort to contribute towards the process of renewal of school
curriculum to maintain its relevance to the changing societal
needs and personal needs of learners, keeping in view the
experiences gained in the past and the concerns and imperatives
that have emerged in the light of changing national development
goals and educational priorities.
These expectations suggest that teacher operates in a larger
context and its dynamics as well as concerns impinge upon her
functioning. That is to say, teacher has to be responsive and sensitive
to the social contexts of education, the various disparities in the
background of learners as well as in the macro national and global
contexts, national concerns for achieving the goals of equity, parity,
social justice as also excellence.
To be able to realize such expectations, TE has to comprise such
features as would enable the student teachers to
Care for children, and who love to be with them;
Understand children within social, cultural and political contexts;
View learning as a search for meaning out of personal
Understand the way learning occurs, possible ways of creating
conductive conditions for learning, differences among students in
respect of the kind, pace and styles of learning.
View knowledge generation as a continuously evolving process
of reflective learning.
Be receptive and constantly learning.
View learning as a search for meaning out of personal
experience, and knowledge generation as a continuously
evolving process of reflective learning.
View knowledge not as an external reality embedded in
textbooks, but as constructed in the shared context of teaching learning
and personal experience.
Own responsibility towards society, and work to build a better
Appreciate the potential of productive work and hands-on
experience as a pedagogic medium both inside and outside the
Analyze the curricular framework, policy implications and texts.
Have a sound knowledge base and basic proficiency in language.
The objectives of teacher education would therefore be to,
Provide opportunities to observe and engage with children,
communicate with and relate to children
Provide opportunities for self-learning, reflection, assimilation
and articulation of new ideas; developing capacities for self
directed learning and the ability to think, be self-critical and to
work in groups.
Provide opportunities for understanding self and others
(including one‘s beliefs, assumptions and emotions); developing
the ability for self analysis, self-evaluation, adaptability,
flexibility, creativity and innovation.
Provide opportunities to enhance understanding, knowledge and
examine disciplinary knowledge and social realities, relate
subject matter with the social milieu and develop critical
Provide opportunities to develop professional skills in pedagogy,
observation, documentation, analysis, drama, craft, story-telling
and reflective inquiry.
The well-established tradition of teaching and learning in
India has retained its inherent strength even under adverse
circumstances. The post-independence period was characterized by
major efforts being made to nurture and transform teacher education.
The system of teacher preparation has come under considerable
pressure as a result of the expansion and growth of school education,
through efforts to universalize elementary education. Having
inherited a foreign model of teacher preparation at the time of
independence from Britain in 1946, major efforts have been made to
adapt and up-date the teacher education curriculum to local needs, to
make it more context based, responsive and dynamic with regard to
best meeting the particular needs of India. The current system of
teacher education is supported by a network of national, provincial
and district level resource institutions working together to enhance
the quality and effectiveness of teacher preparation programs at the
pre-service level and also through in-service programs for serving
teachers throughout the country.
Impact of National Policies :
India has made considerable progress in school education
since independence with reference to overall literacy, infrastructure
and universal access and enrolment in schools. Two major
developments in the recent years form the background to the present
reform in teacher educationThe
political recognition of Universalization of Elementary
Education that led to the Right to Education Bill, 2008 and
The National Curriculum Framework for school education, 2005.
The Bill has been passed by the Parliament and the Right to
Education Act has come into being making it mandatory for the state
to provide free and compulsory education to almost 20 crore
children in the 6-14 age group till class 8. The Act mandates a
schedule for the functioning of schools which includes a teacherstudent
ratio of 1:30 till a student population of 200 students at the
primary stage. This would increase the demand for qualified
elementary school teachers many times. The country has to address
the need of supplying well qualified and professionally trained
teachers in large numbers in the coming years. The lunch of the
massive Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan in 2002 and the recent financial
commitment and education cess to augment the Universal
Elementary Education mission have underscored the need to
adequately prepare teachers to address the growing demand for
quality education.
Developments in School education :
School education has seen significant development over the
decades since independence. According to Government estimates
(Selected Educational Statistics- 2004-2005 – Ministry of Human
Resource Development, New Delhi) while 82% of the 20 crore
children of the 5-14 age group were in school as per enrolment
figures, it is equally true that 50% of these children are dropping out
before completing class 8 (MHRD Annual Report 2007-08). The
situation on the ground is still ridden with difficulties. Regional,
social, economic and gender disparities are posing new challenges.
This reality increases the challenge that the prospective teacher will
face in implementing the Right to Education Act.
The continued fragmentation of the school system poses the
severest challenge to the national declaration of catering to the basic
needs of all children in the 6-14 age group through the elementary
education in an inclusive setting. However increasing privatization
and differentiation of the schooling system have vitiated drastically
the right to quality education for all children
Changing Role of the Teacher :
The current system of schooling poses tremendous burden on
children. Educationists are of the view that the burden arises from
treating knowledge as a ‗given‘, an external reality existing outside
the learner and embedded in textbooks. Knowledge is essentially a
human construct, a continuously evolving process of reflective
learning. The NCF 2005, requires a teacher to be a facilitator of
children‘s learning in a manner that the child is helped to construct
his/her knowledge. Education is not a mechanical activity of
information transmission and teachers are not information
dispensers. Teachers have to increasingly play the role of crucial
mediating agents through whom curriculum is transacted.
Challenges in Teacher Education :
Unprecedented expansion of teacher education institutions
and programmes during the past few years characterizes the teacher
education scenario of today. With increasing school enrolments and
the launch of pan-Indian primary education development
programmes like Operation Blackboard, District Primary Education
Programme, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and Universalization of
Elementary Education, there was a natural increase in the demand
for teachers. Added to this, the backlog of untrained teachers in the
system and the essential requirement of pre-service teacher
certification for appointment as a teacher led to mounting pressure
on existing institutional capacity. The demand far exceeding supply,
market forces have taken over unprecedented rise in the number of
teacher education institutions in most parts of the country.
From 3489 courses in 3199 institutions and an intake of
2,74,072 in 2004, the numbers in December, 2008 swelled to 14,523
courses in 12,200 institutions with an intake of 10,73,661 at different
levels. This expansion has taken a heavy toll on quality parameters
like infrastructure, faculty learning resources and student profile.
Teacher education as a whole needs urgent and
comprehensive reform. There is a need to bring greater convergence
between professional preparation and continuing professional
development of teachers at all stages of schooling in terms of level,
duration and structure. Considering the complexity and significance
of teaching as a professional practice, it is imperative that the entire
enterprise of teacher education should be raised to a university level
and that the duration and rigour of programmes should be
appropriately enhanced.
Research and Innovation :
There is a need to increase research that documents practices
reflectively and analytically- whether it is of programs or of
individual classrooms – so that it can be included in the body of
knowledge available for study to student teachers. University
departments and research institutions need to undertake such
research. In addition there is a need to innovate with different
models of teacher education. Institutional capacity and capability to
innovate and create are a pre-requisite for the pursuit of excellence.
Hence in the present scenario a lot of impetus has been given to
research. Many teacher educators are encouraged to take up either
major or minor research projects.
Inclusive Education :
There are two kinds of exclusion prevalent in schools; one is
the exclusion of the child with disabilities and the second is the
social exclusion of children who come from socially and
economically deprived backgrounds. There is a dire need to equip
teachers to overcome their biases in these regards and positively
handle these challenges.
The Persons with Disabilities (PWD) Act of 2005 provides
for free and compulsory education up to the age of 18 years for all
children with disabilities. The education of socially and
economically disadvantaged groups, especially the SCs, STs and
minorities has remained a primary national concern of education for
several years. The enrolment and retention of girls and therefore
their participation has also remained behind those of boys. Teachers
will have to be specially equipped if the social deprivation has to be
overcome through education.
Perspectives for equitable and sustainable development :
In order to develop future citizens who promote equitable and
sustainable development for all sections of society and respect for
all, it is necessary that they be educated through perspectives of
gender equity, perspectives that develop values for peace, respect the
rights of all, and that respect and value work. In the present
ecological crisis promoted by extremely commercialized and
competitive lifestyles, children need to be educated to change their
consumption patterns and the way they look at natural resources.
There is also a increasing violence and polarization both
within children and between them, that is being caused by increasing
stress in society. Education has a crucial role to play in promoting
values of peace based on equal respect of self and others. The NCF
2005 and subsequent development of syllabi and materials is
attempting to do this as well.
It is important for the development of concepts in children as
well as the application of school knowledge in real life that the
formal knowledge is linked with community knowledge. The NCF
2005 promotes the inclusion of locally relevant content in the
curriculum as well as pedagogy.
ICT in Schools and e-learning :
With the onset and proliferation of Information and
Communication Technology (ICT), there is a growing demand that it
be included in school education. Teacher education has been
structured to orient and sensitize the teacher to distinguish between
developmentally appropriate and detrimental uses of ICT. It needs to
also equip teachers with competence to use ICT for their own
professional development.
super note mam
ReplyDeletesuper note mam
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