Monday 28 November 2016

Attitude will make a difference in education... by Amrita Tejpal

Attitude will make a difference

Children come to the class with a hope that a teacher will listen to their astounding opinions and bewildering abstract ideas.

It has been rightly said that “every child is a creative soul.”The children with their mind boggling thoughts want to explore and reach the heights with their budding footsteps. Their imagination knows no limits and there are their aspirations for future that make them  go to school every day.As a teacher when I joined Pioneer School in Amritsar .I got a chance to teach environmental science to class 3. When it was the day of their submissions of holiday’s homework .To my surprise they had brought some beautiful saplings and some had planted flowers. It was their beauty of thoughts which could manifest in it some wonderful creations. As a teacher sometimes these overwhelming gestures make you think about these budding artists who can actually change this world with their innovative ideas. Young children should be motivated and nurtured every day. It is a teacher’s responsibility to have a positive attitude and assist them in realizing their dreams. We have come extremely far on the path of education where we need to develop a holistic approach towards building young aspirants.Now the question arises are we sensitized enough to build a strong foundation on which students can become architects of their own lives. We are a nation of more than 7 crore billion population which can become a nation of new hopes and dreams. Our attitude will make a difference and can bring a change in their lives and who knows they can be great and making an impact in others lives.

As at teacher we must promise ourselves to give our students happy thoughts with which they can create a life of their dreams and make into a reality.

Amrita Tejpal

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